Samuel Peyton - Realtor®

Call or Text Samuel: 519-209-1982

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Samuel Peyton is a Realtor® with extensive experience in the real estate industry for the past decade. He has also held various roles in diverse businesses which brings a unique set of skills to his current role. Samuel has been living in the Brantford area for over 25 years and loves it, taking an active role in his community by volunteering at local charities and events.

When asked what he values most about his job, Samuel speaks about guiding people through the process of buying or selling a home and building strong relationships from beginning to end. His favourite types of clients are first-time buyers or sellers as he gets to educate them on the process and accompany them throughout it.

Outside of real estate, Samuel is a passionate outdoorsman who loves doing wilderness survival activities as well as adventuring on new grounds. He enjoys kayaking and attempting new building projects and camping with family and friends.

Samuel is a family man who enjoys spending quality time with his kids - currently aged 9, 6 and 4 - exploring nature trails, going to the cottage, and hiking or biking together.

With great enthusiasm for both real estate and nature adventures, Samuel Peyton is an expert Realtor® offering immense value to his clients while staying true to himself by following his interests outside work.